Moving Forward with the Next Generation

I have taught beginning acting, acting Shakespeare, and acting styles. I have taught sewing, serging, and quilting techniques. I presently teach directing and advanced directing at the University of Central Florida. I often work with graduate interns in new play development at Orlando Shakes.

Teaching is, for me, the process of mastering a craft (such as directing) and then further exploring that process by teaching others. It is sharing my love for dramatic literature, theatrical traditions, and new plays by engaging others and facilitating their personal journeys.

A video from Dancing Lessons by Mark St. Germain that I directed at Orlando Shakes in 2016.

This climactic moment in Dancing Lessons calls for two quick transformations. Without high-tech solutions available, my design team, the actors, and I had to relearn that simple sleight of hand can be very magical. Actors: Ginger Lee McDermott and Steven Lane.